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chronozaurNevada(US), Apr 24 (ANI): Hindus are upset over the depiction of their gods in "Hammer of the Gods" episode in the "Supernatural" TV series reportedly aired on April 22 and say that such trivialization of their sacred deities was disturbing.
Невада (США), 24 апреля (ANI): индуисты расстроены из-за появления их богов в эпизоде "Сверхъестественного" "Молот Богов", вышедшей в эфир 22 апреля и говорят, что такая тривиализация их священных божеств вызывает тревогу. подробнееAcclaimed Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that Lord Ganesh and Goddess Kali were highly revered in Hinduism and such absurd depiction of them with no scriptural backing was hurtful to the devotees. Ganesh and Kali were meant to be worshipped in temples or home shrines and not to be thrown around loosely in reimagined versions for dramatic effects in TV series.
Zed, who is president of Universal Society of Hinduism, asked the producer EW Network and director Rick Bota to issue a public apology and urged them not to reimagine Hinduism concepts and deities in the future to advance the commercial or other agenda.
Hindus welcomed Hollywood and other entertainment industries to immerse in Hinduism but taking it seriously and respectfully and not just for indecorous showing of Hindu symbols and concepts to advance their selfish agenda. Casual flirting sometimes resulted in pillaging serious spiritual doctrines and revered symbols and hurting the devotees, Rajan Zed pointed out.
Zed argued that Hinduism was the oldest and third largest religion of the world with about one billion adherents and a rich philosophical thought and it should not be taken lightly. No faith, larger or smaller, should be ridiculed at; Zed said and added that inappropriate use of Hinduism concepts and symbols was not okay.
Meanwhile Bhavna Shinde of Forum for Hindu Awakening has described it as inappropriate and denigration and a Hindu leader of Trinidad Devant Maharaj said that he was deeply offended.
According to reports, in this episode, Winchesters are shown kidnapped by a group of gods, including Ganesh and Kali and held hostage, who want to use Winchesters as bargaining chips. Kali is relegated to escaping with Winchesters in their car to get away. Kali sits on the lap of angel Gabriel who guards her with his angelic blade. Devil turns Ganesh into a stain on the wall. Its cast includes Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Rekha Sharma, Keith Dallas, etc.
Supernatural is a series of CW Network which was formed as a joint venture between Warner Bros. Entertainment and CBS Corporation. The CW is America's fifth broadcast network and claims to be the only network targeting women 18-34.
In Hinduism, Lord Ganesh is worshipped as god of wisdom and remover of obstacles and is invoked before the beginning of any major venture. Goddess Kali, who personifies Sakti or divine energy, is considered the goddess of time and change. ССЛЫКА НА СТАТЬЮ
Ну, а может быть, они просто так серьезно не воспринимают. Или не просто не смотрят "всякую ерунду"?
chronozaur об их способности разделять художественным вымысел и реальность
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Как бы это, кстати, дурным примером не послужило.